Thursday, 30 October 2008


----- Original Message -----
Billie Shearer
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 5:11 PM
Subject: Re NW3C Website Inquiry

If you suspect fraud or are the victim of an Internet crime, you can file a complaint on our website at Be sure to include as much information as possible about yourself (i.e. name, e-mail address, mailing address, etc.), the perpetrator, and the Internet crime that you are reporting in order to expedite your complaint



Last fortnight, I uploaded a photo taken by me at Flickr and displayed at the site called where I write regularly. There, one senior Member not only downloaded that photo but did some work in Photoshop and added the tomb, vultures in that photo and re-publish at the same site which hurt me much. Then I wrote letter to the site-owner but in vain. They turn deaf ear to me and other members who are requesting to remove that modified picture. Despite having screenshots of this theft, I keep a mum since I thought to let it go because it is a festival period.

But yesterday, I found that the article I wrote on my Blogspot is stolen fully and re-publish in other name at a site called may be by the same person but with the pseudo name. Thankfully, this time after giving enough proof this site's owner removed that article within 2-3 hours. I fear, it is going to repeat in the future. So for the safer side, I humbly want to know 1] What are the preventive measures 2] What action can be taken on that thief 3] What action is taken on the sites encouraging and supporting such theft and displaying the stolen / modified art for the longer period despite giving enough proofs and requesting repeatedly. 4] What does International law says about it. Thanks in advance, Wishing you a great Sunday and the tranquil week ahead.

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